Final Phase of Construction gets underway in 2025

By Dr. Daryl Kubilus Jr.

I am deeply grateful for the overwhelmingly positive response from the Cloverleaf community regarding the new middle and high school building. It fills me with pride to see our Cloverleaf students thriving in such a state-of-the-art educational environment. However, our work is not yet complete!

Beginning in June 2025, you will notice the start of construction for the final phase of our projects. One of the first improvements will be the new baseball field, which will be built on the site of the former high school. This brand new field will feature 100 percent synthetic turf and is set to open in time for the 2026 baseball season. Additionally, our softball field also will receive synthetic turf. Across the driveway from the softball field, we will construct a new restroom and storage facility to better serve our fans and teams. The parking lot between Buffham Road and the softball field will be repaved, along with the tennis courts, in 2025.

Currently, the former high school annex building houses our central offices. However, plans are in place for an addition to the annex that will become the new home for the central office staff. The existing annex facility will be fully remodeled to accommodate boys and girls wrestling (complete with locker rooms), three hitting and pitching tunnels for our baseball and softball teams, two indoor golf simulators for our golf teams, and public restrooms for our baseball fans. The current wrestling building will be transformed into maintenance storage, with a new maintenance building constructed right next to it. Additionally, the recreation center parking lot will be regraded and repaved as part of this project.

While these projects will not be entirely funded by pipeline proceeds, they are being completed without a bond issue for our taxpayers. This continues our promise not to seek additional revenue until at least 2030.

It’s a great day to be a Colt!

Posted Feb. 3, 2025

New High School and Middle School Opens Aug. 26!

Cloverleaf Local Schools is pleased to announce the opening of the new Cloverleaf High School and Middle School Aug. 26. This state-of-the-art building was constructed without expense to local taxpayers, using state funds and NEXUS Natural Gas Pipeline tax revenue. This, in a district that emerged from fiscal emergency just a few years ago. It's a great story!

Please click one of the links below for a news release:

Public Grand Opening Celebration is Sept. 21

The community is invited to explore the new Cloverleaf Middle School and High School from noon to 2 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 21. The celebration will feature special musical performances by Cloverleaf students. Save the date and watch for additional details!

May 2024 Hardhat Tour with Dr. Kubilus

Public Walk-Throughs are May 25

All Cloverleaf alumni and community members are invited to visit the current Cloverleaf High School and Cloverleaf Middle School on Saturday, May 25. Bring friends, family or classmates and stop by anytime between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. to walk the halls of the old buildings one last time before the new Cloverleaf High School / Middle School opens in August.

January 2024 Hardhat Tour with Dr. Kubilus

December 2023 Photos

Dec. 13 BOE construction update


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Owner's Representative Steve Shergalis of Westfield Consulting Group gives the Cloverleaf Board of Education an overview of construction progress on the new Cloverleaf High School and Middle School.

Oct. 5 BOE construction update


<video controls id="17882fa4-c7da-402d-84ed-6e6ee273a3f5" class="video-js vjs-default-skin vjs-big-play-centered video-js-fullscreen" preload="metadata" poster="" data-setup='{ "fluid": true, "techOrder": ["html5","flash"], "ga": {"eventsToTrack": ["start"]} }'> <source src="" type="video/mp4"> <source src="" type="video/ogg"> <p class="vjs-no-js">To view this video please enable JavaScript, and consider upgrading to a web browser that <a href="" target="_blank" ">supports HTML5 video</a></p> </video>
Owner's Representative Steve Shergalis of Westfield Consulting Group gives the Cloverleaf Board of Education an overview of construction progress on the new Cloverleaf High School and Middle School. We apologize for the momentary blips in the audio.

August 2023 Construction Manager's Report

New high school / middle school aerial shot

Here's the latest update on the new high school and middle school from the project's construction manager, C.T. Taylor Construction. Aerial photo is courtesy of Rick Vierheller.

PDF format

July 2023 Construction Manager's Report

Aerial photo of new high school and middle school

Here's the latest update on the new high school and middle school from the project's construction manager, C.T. Taylor Construction. Aerial photo is courtesy of Rick Vierheller.

May 2023 Construction Manager's Report

Here's the latest update on the new high school from the project's construction manager, C.T. Taylor Construction.

PDF format

May 2023 hardhat tour with Dr. Kubilus


Here's the latest update on the new high school from the project's construction manager, C.T. Taylor Construction.

March 15 BOE Update


<video controls id="583d8612-6b6c-40cb-a9da-124eca0f02d8" class="video-js vjs-default-skin vjs-big-play-centered video-js-fullscreen" preload="metadata" poster="" data-setup='{ "fluid": true, "techOrder": ["html5","flash"], "ga": {"eventsToTrack": ["start"]} }'> <source src="" type="video/mp4"> <source src="" type="video/ogg"> <p class="vjs-no-js">To view this video please enable JavaScript, and consider upgrading to a web browser that <a href="" target="_blank" ">supports HTML5 video</a></p> </video>
Barb Shergalis of Westfield Consulting and C.T. Taylor Construction Project Manager Dave Hamm provide the Cloverleaf Board of Education with an update on the district's high school / middle school construction project.

Posted March 21, 2023

February 2023 Construction Manager's Report

Here's the latest update on the new high school from the project's construction manager, C.T. Taylor Construction. The masonry bearing walls are all but complete and the brick veneer is more than halfway finished. Two sections of the building are under roof with more areas coming soon.

Posted March 6, 2023

A look inside the elementary addition

Cloverleaf Elementary School addition

The addition to the northernmost wing of Cloverleaf Elementary School is on track to be completed in early spring. The 8,000-square foot expansion provides additional classrooms, small-group learning spaces and more. Cloverleaf achieved significant savings on this addition through economies of scale by issuing bid requests alongside those for the much larger high school project.

Posted Jan. 18, 2023

One-year comparison

New high school site 2022
New high school site 2023

What a difference a year makes! Thanks to Seville resident and Cloverleaf alum Rick Vierheller for sharing these aerial photos of the new high school site. The top photo was taken in January 2022 and the bottom photo was taken in January 2023. In the bottom photo, the rounded structure on the left is the new school's performing arts center. The large open area to the right will house the main and auxiliary gymnasiums.

Posted Jan. 18, 2023

December 2022 construction manager's report

Progress continues through the winter on the new Cloverleaf High School. Design work on the middle school portion of the building is well underway. Here's an update from the project's construction manager, C.T. Taylor Construction:

Posted Jan. 18, 2023


<video controls id="c8239bdc-2e81-46db-a40e-e6b2f65d2001" class="video-js vjs-default-skin vjs-big-play-centered video-js-fullscreen" preload="metadata" poster="" data-setup='{ "fluid": true, "techOrder": ["html5","flash"], "ga": {"eventsToTrack": ["start"]} }'> <source src="" type="video/mp4"> <source src="" type="video/ogg"> <p class="vjs-no-js">To view this video please enable JavaScript, and consider upgrading to a web browser that <a href="" target="_blank" ">supports HTML5 video</a></p> </video>

Oct. 5 BOE construction update

Owner's Representative Steve Shergalis of Westfield Consulting Group gives the Cloverleaf Board of Education an overview of changes to the media center in the new high school.

Why is the high school opening being delayed one year?

As the superintendent, I was initially opposed to anything that would jeopardize our original September, 2023 opening schedule. We created and communicated a plan with our students, staff and parents to open the new Cloverleaf HS at that time. Internally, we had already planned a complex move that involved re-locating the contents of the entire middle school to the high school gymnasium during the summer of 2023. The high school staff would remain in their classrooms until the new high school building was complete at the end of August. The high school staff would then move to the new building one week before school was to begin while middle school teachers simultaneously moved into their new (to them) high school classrooms. We also created a unique school calendar to condense the school year to give as much time as possible to complete the construction. I felt it was important to stick to the plan we had articulated and meticulously prepared to implement.

However, in June, 2022, the long-awaited NEXUS appeal decision was finalized – a process that took two years! The settlement of that appeal brought our district additional revenue enabling us to plan for adding the middle school portion of the building.  Additionally, we were informed by the Ohio Facilities Construction Commission that our $22 million construction credit -- the state of Ohio’s contribution to our project -- could be released to us in 3-5 years after our building is completed.

Having received this good news, we immediately started our investigation with our architects, construction teams, owner’s representatives and Board of Education into the creation of realistic timelines to finance, design and construct the 6-8-grade portion of the new building. Although it had been our initial plan for this second phase of the project to occur within a few years of opening our new high school, we were presented with two new options:

1. Keep the current timeline of opening the high school in 2023, open the 6-8-grade portion in 2025 and open the new baseball field in the 2026/27 school year (a field that was displaced due to the location of the new building).

2. Change the schedule to delay the opening of the high school to 2024, open the 6-8-grade portion of the building at the same time (one year earlier than option 1), and move up the opening of the baseball field one year earlier to the 2025/26 school year.

In our analysis of the two options, we found there were many reasons why delaying the high school opening by one year was in the best interest of our school district:

-- If our 9-12-grade students occupied the building in 2023, they would be entering a brand new building that immediately becomes a construction zone due to our need to begin the construction of the middle school portion of the building. There would be construction on the west (ms gymnasium), east (fine arts), and south (core academic wing) sides of the building while school was in session -- complete with temporary emergency exits.

-- Due to supply chain issues and contractor employee shortages, the project is currently 5-6 weeks behind schedule. Although this would not have jeopardized our planned 2023 move-in, in order to make-up for that lost time, we would have to pay extra for Saturday and Sunday work from our construction contingency budget. By delaying, there will be far less weekend work done for us to meet our timeline, thus, potentially saving money in that contingency budget.

-- We will save money for exterior finishes that are no longer needed. The reason is that the building was designed for the addition of the middle school in a few years.  We would be spending money on exterior finishes on each location where the high school and middle school would someday connect.  The main example is the brick that was going to be installed on the exterior of the auxiliary gym (west side of the building). Since the middle school gym will be constructed right next to the auxiliary gym, the brick can be used on the exterior of the middle school gym, thus eliminating the need for two finished brick walls.  By constructing the middle school now, we don’t have to put exterior finishes over those connection points.  Instead, we can use those finish materials on the middle school exteriors, saving money.

-- Bids may potentially be lower for the middle school portion of the building due to many contractors already being mobilized to work on the site.

-- There will be only one move instead of two. Under the original schedule, the middle school would have moved to the current high school for two years and then moved again to the new building. It’s not like moving a 2,000 or 3,000 sq. ft. house. The new middle school portion of the building will be 70,000 sq. feet!

-- With the new schedule, the demolition of the current middle and high schools can occur together instead of two years apart. This could potentially save money by one contractor being mobilized once to demolish both buildings.

-- With the costs of supplies/materials rising, the district could potentially save money by constructing the middle school portion now instead of waiting.

-- All warranties will be aligned with one move.

And, perhaps the best reason to delay the move by one year: All 6-12-grade students will be in a brand new building at the same time and, for the first time in the history of Cloverleaf Local Schools, all students will be educated in a new/relatively new building PK-12!

The Cloverleaf Board of Education approved a resolution on August 17, 2022, officially declaring the opening of the new Cloverleaf MS/HS building to be in the 2024-25 school year. I will be recommending calendar changes in the upcoming months. We understand some parents may have already made plans according to the revised 2023-24 school calendar that was previously posted. We will work with families on student absences that are a result of this change of schedule.

Thank you for your support and understanding as we embark on this historic time of our beloved Cloverleaf Local Schools. It’s a great day to be a Colt!

Daryl Kubilus Jr.

Posted Aug. 22, 2022


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June 15 BOE construction update

Here's the latest Cloverleaf Board of Education update on district construction projects from owner's representative Barb Shergalis of Westfield Consulting Group.

Posted June 16, 2022


<video controls id="d3664444-f1d5-4c41-a6f4-9dffa1ea416f" class="video-js vjs-default-skin vjs-big-play-centered video-js-fullscreen" preload="metadata" poster="" data-setup='{ "fluid": true, "techOrder": ["html5","flash"], "ga": {"eventsToTrack": ["start"]} }'> <source src="" type="video/mp4"> <source src="" type="video/ogg"> <p class="vjs-no-js">To view this video please enable JavaScript, and consider upgrading to a web browser that <a href="" target="_blank" ">supports HTML5 video</a></p> </video>
May 18 BOE construction update

Here's the latest Cloverleaf Board of Education update on district construction projects from owner's representative Barb Shergalis of Westfield Consulting Group.

Posted May 19, 2022


<video controls id="62dce86c-8b37-4111-84a8-132e9d3143c7" class="video-js vjs-default-skin vjs-big-play-centered video-js-fullscreen" preload="metadata" poster="" data-setup='{ "fluid": true, "techOrder": ["html5","flash"], "ga": {"eventsToTrack": ["start"]} }'> <source src="" type="video/mp4"> <source src="" type="video/ogg"> <p class="vjs-no-js">To view this video please enable JavaScript, and consider upgrading to a web browser that <a href="" target="_blank" ">supports HTML5 video</a></p> </video>
April 20 BOE construction update

Owner's representative Barb Shergalis of Westfield Consulting Group presents a progress report on the new Cloverleaf High School.

Posted April 21, 2022

March 2022 construction manager's report

Despite rainy conditions, contractors and the construction team from C.T. Taylor have made substantial progress on the foundation and underground utilities of the new Cloverleaf High School. Please click one of the links below for more:

Posted April 5, 2022


<video controls id="373285ec-8952-4281-a56f-e4bf5938381b" class="video-js vjs-default-skin vjs-big-play-centered video-js-fullscreen" preload="metadata" poster="" data-setup='{ "fluid": true, "techOrder": ["html5","flash"], "ga": {"eventsToTrack": ["start"]} }'> <source src="" type="video/mp4"> <source src="" type="video/ogg"> <p class="vjs-no-js">To view this video please enable JavaScript, and consider upgrading to a web browser that <a href="" target="_blank" ">supports HTML5 video</a></p> </video>
March 16 BOE construction update

Here's the latest Cloverleaf Board of Education update on district construction projects from owner's representative Barb Shergalis of Westfield Consulting Group and C.T. Taylor Construction Vice President Matt Collier.

Posted March 17, 2022


<video controls id="4ca05710-de29-4daf-99bf-37a2fd2fea8f" class="video-js vjs-default-skin vjs-big-play-centered video-js-fullscreen" preload="metadata" poster="" data-setup='{ "fluid": true, "techOrder": ["html5","flash"], "ga": {"eventsToTrack": ["start"]} }'> <source src="" type="video/mp4"> <source src="" type="video/ogg"> <p class="vjs-no-js">To view this video please enable JavaScript, and consider upgrading to a web browser that <a href="" target="_blank" ">supports HTML5 video</a></p> </video>
Feb. 16 BOE construction update

Please check out the video above for the latest Cloverleaf Board of Education update on district construction projects from owner's representative Steve Shergalis and Superintendent Daryl Kubilus.

Posted Feb. 17, 2022

Community newsletter

Posted Feb. 17, 2022

New FAQ's posted

The Frequently Asked Questions page has been updated. Take a look at the questions parents and community members are asking about the stadium renovation and high school construction projects and click the email link to submit your own.

Posted Sept. 20, 2021

Exterior design rendering of new CHS

Sept. 2 Public Engagement Meeting

Architects from GPD Group updated community members and staff about the progress on Gene Clark Stadium renovations and the ongoing design work on the new Cloverleaf High School in a public meeting on Sept. 2. If you missed the meeting, or would like to revisit the presentation, please click the links below.

Please note: All designs are in process and have not been finalized.

Additional public updates will be scheduled.

Posted Sept. 3, 2021

Looking at construction plans with the Westfield Fire Department

Collaboration with local partners

Throughout the construction process, architects, construction managers and the school district have worked hand-in-hand with the local fire department, township officials and the Medina County Building Department to make sure the new Cloverleaf High School meets local building codes and the highest standards for safety. Here, GPD Group architects Tamisha Lawson, Aaron Rodebaugh and Andi Fister join Cloverleaf's owner's representative from Westfield Consulting Group Steve Shergalis in reviewing the proposed design of the new Cloverleaf High School with Westfield Fire and Rescue Chief Richard Fletcher and Lt. Rich Patton.

Posted July 30, 2021

New FAQ's posted

The Frequently Asked Questions page has been updated. Take a look at the questions parents and community members are asking about the stadium renovation and high school construction projects and click the email link to submit your own.

Posted July 9, 2021

Watch the latest update from GPD

Miss the last meeting? Click the link below to watch the recording and see the initial plans for the new Cloverleaf High School. Several questions were submitted during the meeting. Please watch for answers to those questions to be posted here soon.

June 23, 2021
Enter passcode: MuMN%aD5

Posted June 24, 2021

Get a look at the new high school design on June 23

See the initial design renderings of the new Cloverleaf High School at a community engagement meeting 6 p.m., Wednesday, June 23, at Cloverleaf Elementary School. Architects from GPD Group will be there to hear your thoughts on the plans and provide an update on the Gene Clark Stadium renovation project. You are welcome to attend in-person or online via Zoom.

Or join by phone by dialing 1-646-558-8656 and enter webinar ID 826 5823 6728.

Posted June 15, 2021

Next Community Meeting: April 17

All Cloverleaf students, parents, staff, alumni and members of the public are invited to the next community meeting on Cloverleaf construction projects at 9 a.m., Saturday, April 17, at Cloverleaf Elementary School. Attendees will receive updates and have the opportunity to ask questions and give input. You may attend via Zoom or in person. Masks are required for those attending in person and socially distanced seating will be provided. The Zoom link will be posted here prior to the meeting.

Topics to be addressed include:

- Feedback on grades 6-8 addition / renovation options
- Athletic facility project update
- NEXUS funding update
- High school project community input

Posted April 5, 2021

Public Engagement Begins

By Rodwell King
Senior Project Manager

On Saturday, March 6, 2021, and Thursday, March 11, 2021, two community meetings were held in which the district administration updated the public as to the current status of the new high school project.

The project update included an introduction of the owner’s representatives, Westfield Consulting Group, a local team; the architects/engineers, GPD Group of Akron; and the construction manager at risk (CMR) team, C.T. Taylor Construction of Hudson. The Ohio Facilities Construction Commission (OFCC) is also a team member because of its eventual participation in funding for parts of the project.

Public engagement meetingAt the meetings, involving approximately 90 attendees total, the first phase of the project, upgrades to the existing stadium, was unveiled. This project -- which will provide a new “gateway” to the athletic facilities, includes replacement of the turf on the football field, two additional lanes to the track, new field lighting, new ticket booths, new restrooms, new concessions, and a new spirit store -- will break ground later in March. Completion of the field and track will be by the beginning of football season this year while the buildings are scheduled to be completed by late fall 2021.

The second phase of the project, the new high school, is currently in design. Groundbreaking for that project is scheduled for fall of 2021 with completion of the building in the fall of 2023.

The superintendent, Daryl Kubilus, and Jim Hudson, district treasurer, updated the meetings with respect the projects, including funding aspects, and the administration provided information regarding advantages of planning now for a grade 6-8 addition to the new high school, instead of planning renovation of the existing high school as a middle school. After review of financial aspects, as well as some examples that illustrate management of different age groups within one building, and subsequent discussion, a vote was taken and the community was overwhelming in favor of implementing such a plan.

As the district has a commitment to providing constituents with all relevant information, the community meetings will continue throughout the life of the project, providing updates as necessary. The next meeting is scheduled to be held in the Cloverleaf Elementary School cafeteria at 9 a.m. on April 17, 2021.

Topics to be addressed at the next meeting include:

    Feedback on grades 6-8 addition / renovation options
    Athletic facility project update
    NEXUS funding update
    High school project community input

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the meetings continued to follow the hybrid model of delivery with some participants socially-distanced in the room and some participating virtually.

Posted March 17, 2021

The Visioning Process

“If the story of building a new school was a book, the Visioning exercise would be considered the Prologue.” – Superintendent Dr. Daryl Kubilus
By Rodwell King
Senior Project Manager

On Saturday, Jan. 23, 2021, and Saturday, Jan. 30, 2021, a team, comprising approximately 30 teachers, students, administrators and community members, met in two half-day work sessions to examine educational trends, best practices, examples, and topics that affect student-centered learning in the 21st century. The purpose of the exercise was to determine how future educational delivery methods might affect the proposed new high school and thereby provide the architects with the most appropriate road map for the design.
Key were the following: 
Visioning meeting


- Flexibility in thinking, facilities and curriculum.

- Providing opportunities to students to develop skills crucial for critical thinking, collaboration, communication and creativity. 

- Providing opportunities for students to grow in their own particular method of learning, whether it be visual, auditory, reading/writing, or kinesthetic.

- Encouraging the establishment of appropriate professional development for educators.

- Providing facilities that respond to these principles.
Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the workshops followed a hybrid model of delivery with some participants socially distanced in a room and some participating virtually. Because of this format the questions were designed to be responded to electronically. Individual responses were anonymous and were able to be viewed in real-time by all participants.

Posted March 3, 2021


<video controls id="2fa72d9d-ddc7-48cf-9d19-eb473ddeb90e" class="video-js vjs-default-skin vjs-big-play-centered video-js-fullscreen" preload="metadata" poster="" data-setup='{ "fluid": true, "techOrder": ["html5","flash"], "ga": {"eventsToTrack": ["start"]} }'> <source src="" type="video/mp4"> <source src="" type="video/ogg"> <p class="vjs-no-js">To view this video please enable JavaScript, and consider upgrading to a web browser that <a href="" target="_blank" ">supports HTML5 video</a></p> </video>

Our partners


Construction Manager at Risk

Westfield Consulting Group
Owner's Representative

In the news

Sept. 23, 2024 Medina Gazette

Sept. 9, 2024 Medina Gazette

Aug. 26, 2024 WEWS-TV 5

Aug. 24, 2024 Medina Gazette

July 3, 2024 Medina Gazette

June 25, 2024 Medina Gazette

May 4, 2024 Medina Gazette

April 29, 2024 Medina Gazette

Jan. 30, 2024 Medina Gazette

March 17, 2023 Medina Gazette

Jan. 14, 2023 Medina Gazette

Oct. 8, 2022 Medina Gazette

Aug. 19, 2022 Medina Gazette

Oct. 11. 2021 Medina Gazette

April 22, 2021 Medina Gazette

Feb. 20, 2021 Medina Gazette

Feb. 10, 2021 Medina Gazette

Jan. 21, 2021 Medina Gazette

April 6, 2020 Medina Gazette

Dec. 11, 2019 Medina Gazette

Past meetings

Please click the links below for information from the public engagement sessions hosted by GPD Group architects.

Sept. 2, 2021
Enter passcode: ex6bhwZ@ 

June 23, 2021
Enter passcode: MuMN%aD5

April 17, 2021
Enter passcode: ZDg@^b12

March 11, 2021
(Presentation is identical to March 6.)

March 6, 2021
Due to technical issues, the Zoom recording of this meeting is not available. Our apologies. The overall presentation is identical to the March 11 meeting posted above.

Jan. 23 and Jan. 30, 2021
Educational Visioning Sessions
View text-based website