Help us find you
Please display your house numbers clearly on your mailbox (both sides). This helps the bus driver find stops much more efficiently. This is especially helpful with our kindergarten and younger students.
Board policy rules for Cloverleaf School buses
Once the buses are set, the drivers will assign each student a seat and that will be the seat they are to remain in each time they ride the bus unless the driver changes their seat. Students will not be allowed to change buses. This will be done as well for the mid-day and PM buses and be in effect for all Cloverleaf buses
There will be times that a driver may be sick and a different bus is used but the seating chart will not change on any run or bus.
MCCC Students and Parents
When Cloverleaf Schools are not in session and MCCC is:
Cloverleaf will provide transportation to and from Cloverleaf High School and the Medina County Career Center. Parents will need to bring their students to CHS to access the bus to the Career Center. Listed below is the schedule of times buses will be running.
AM Bus 24 or Bus 39
Bus or Buses will be parked down by the area of the Annex building (between the CHS main building and the football stadium) buses will arrive between 7:15-20am to load students. Buses will leave C.H.S at 7:35am for the Career Center arriving at approximately 7:55am.
Mid-Day Bus 38
For students that attend the Career Center for a half day, transportation will also be provided.
Bus will be at the CHS Front doors at 11:00am to pick up any students that need to go to the Career Center for afternoon classes. Bus will leave CHS at 11:05am arriving at 11:25am. The bus will then wait for any morning students until 11:30am then proceed back to CHS dropping off students at the front doors at approximately 11:50am.
PM Bus 18 or Bus 23
Buses will arrive at the Career Center approximately 2:00pm and wait for school dismissal at 2:10pm when the buses are loaded (approximately 2:15) we will then proceed back to CHS and drop off students in the annex area (approximately 2:35pm).