Dear Parents,
One of the realities for all school districts is considering how staff and students would respond in the unlikely event of an armed intruder. On the Cloverleaf campus, you no doubt have noticed numerous safety upgrades that just weren’t necessary a generation ago. There is still more we can and need to do for our students. In collaboration with the Medina County Sheriff’s Department, Cloverleaf has implemented ALICE training.
ALICE was created through analysis of multiple armed intruder case studies in this country. It’s not a one-size-fits-all method of training; rather, it gives students and teachers options beyond the traditional lock-the-door-and-hide-behind-the-desk procedures of the past. All staff members have been fully trained and are prepared to implement ALICE procedures to ensure the safest possible environment in our schools.
If you have any questions, please direct them to your child’s principal. To the right you will find additional information from the ALICE Training Institute.
Thank you.
Daryl Kubilus
Cloverleaf Schools