A 5-Star rated preschool by the State of Ohio

Cloverleaf's preschool program has earned a five-star rating from the State of Ohio -- the highest-possible rating!
High-quality learning and development programs are important because early experiences last a lifetime. Your child has approximately 1,892 days from the time he or she is born until kindergarten. What happens on this journey lays the foundation for success in school and life.
A Step Up To Quality Five-Star rating means your child is in a program that has demonstrated the highest level of quality. Please click HERE to learn more.

Welcome to our Preschool!

Cloverleaf Elementary School offers an integrated preschool program serving students with and without disabilities. The preschool has a staff of three intervention specialists, three classroom paraprofessionals, plus related service providers including a speech and language pathologist, occupational therapist and physical therapist.
Cloverleaf’s preschool classes are designed to serve students with and without disabilities who are between the ages of 3 and 5. 
Our classes are in operation Mondays through Thursdays during the school year, leaving Fridays available for a variety of meetings, teacher and staff training, and field trips.


Rachel Connelly
Preschool Specialist
330-302-0101 (main office)
Cloverleaf Elementary School
8337 Friendsville Road
Seville, Ohio 44273

Preschool Hours

The Cloverleaf preschool program runs Monday through Thursday with morning (9 a.m. to 11:45 a.m.) and afternoon sessions (1 p.m. to 3:40 p.m.). Students must attend all four days (Monday through Thursday).

Parent Resources

          The Early Bird Gets to Learn! 
The State of Ohio has released a new and amazing resource for teachers and families of young children. It's filled with tips, activities, apps and links designed to foster early learning for children ages 3-5. Please click HERE to check it out.
Bold Beginning! 
Now there's an easy way to access all things related to early childhood in Ohio's state agencies! This site is a resource for all people interacting with young children — whether a parent, grandparent, caretaker, teacher, child care provider — there is valuable information for all. Please click HERE to take a look.
View text-based website