The Process
Beginning in January 2015, a group of 30 dedicated Cloverleaf students, community members and staff collaborated on a strategic plan to help guide the district in its mission over the next several years. The process was led by facilitators from the Ohio School Boards Association.
The core committee developed specific objectives within four major goal areas: Technology, Educational Services and Delivery, Pride and Public Relations, and Facilities. Following approval of the goal areas by the Cloverleaf Board of Education, action teams met to create step-by-step plans for achieving the objectives within each goal area.
When the community approved a new operating levy in May 2014, Cloverleaf promised to make the funds last as long as possible, pledging not to return to voters to request additional tax dollars before sometime in the 2020s. All strategic planning objectives took cost into account in order to honor that commitment to voters.
Plan Summary
Goal Area: Technology – We will invest in relevant technology and appropriate training for staff and students to improve the overall educational experience.
Complete technology and infrastructure upgrades in all buildings
Start: Jan. 2016
Completion: As finances dictate
Create on-site district-wide technology team (Assess service levels desired for the district.)
Start: Aug. 2016
Completion: May 2017
Create 3-year plan for the purchase and creation of technology
Start: Oct. 2016
Completion: May 2017
Implement a strategic plan for technology utilizing Epiphany Management Group’s technology planning process
Start: Oct. 2016
Completion: Jan. 2017
Establish a technology integration staff position
Start: TBD
Completion: TBD
Research and benchmark area schools on their use of technology
Start: TBD
Completion: TBD
Goal Area: Educational Services and Delivery – We will establish educational services and delivery models to meet the needs and foster the success of all students.
Plan for and implement all-day kindergarten for 2016-17: Completed
Start: Dec. 2015
Completion: May 2016
Explore better scheduling options for K-12 programming: Completed
Start: Dec. 2015
Completion: Ongoing
Create and implement a plan to close the gap for at-risk special education students: In progress
Start: Aug. 2016
Completion: May 2017
Create and implement a plan to increase opportunities for gifted students: In progress
Start: Aug. 2016
Completion: May 2017
Reassess pay-to-participate fees: In progress
Start: Aug. 2016
Completion: May 2017
Reassess school fees (mostly at the high school level)
Start: TBD
Completion: TBD
Explore reimplementation of aspects of the middle school concept
Start: TBD
Completion: TBD
Plan for and implement foreign language opportunities for students K-12
Start: TBD
Completion: TBD
Goal Area: Buildings and Facilities – We will create a welcoming and safe environment conducive to developing successful students. We will prioritize, maintain and enhance our facilities to meet student, staff and community needs.
Complete Phase 2 and Phase 3 of stadium renovation
Start: Dec. 2015
Completed as funding dictates
Middle school infrastructure and safety upgrades: In progress
Start: Summer 2017
Completion: Summer 2017
Goal Area: Community Pride and Public Relations – We will foster and develop enduring relationships that create a unified community of which we all are proud.
Community and district Web collaboration
Start: Jan. 2016
Completion: May 2016
Plan and implement ways to use social media for a more positive culture
Start: Aug. 2016
Completion: May 2017
Develop Alumni Association
Start: Aug. 2016
Completion: May 2017
Assess additional service levels desired of Community Information Coordinator position, then determine how to proceed
Start: Aug. 2016
Completion: May 2017
Exploration of community service opportunities and integration
Start: TBD
Completion: TBD
Develop plan for inviting community members into the schools
Start: TBD
Completion: TBD
For additional information on the Strategic Plan, please contact the Cloverleaf Community Information Office at 330-302-0311 or [email protected].