New: Free Breakfast + Lunch for all Students

Exciting news! Beginning with the 2024-25 school year, all Cloverleaf students receive FREE school breakfasts and lunches every day, regardless of need. Each meal is a complete meal. Students may purchase a la carte items in cafeterias, in the high school coffee shop, and in vending machines. Students may use cash, credit cards, debit cards, or school meal account funds to purchase extra items. However, a la carte foods cannot be charged to student accounts if there is not money in the account to pay for them.

We look forward to serving fresh, nutritious meals to more students than ever in the 2024-25 school year!

Menus + nutritional info are just a click away!

Cloverleaf is excited to offer families a powerful informational tool: My School Menus. Parents and students can find out what's being served for breakfast and lunch, plus see nutritional information, allergens and more. Stay informed with real-time updates when menus change.

The My School Menus app makes it easy to access all this information from your favorite mobile device.
Please click the links below for menus, as well as instructional videos on how to use My School Menus and how to download the mobile app:

Transfer funds between student accounts

Parents can use PaySchools to easily transfer funds from one child's meal account to another. For example, you may have a student who has graduated, but still has money in their account. Now you can move that money to a sibling's account with just a few clicks.

Step 1: Go to your PaySchools dashboard
Step 2: At the top right corner of the "Meal" box, click the icon with the dollar sign and arrows.
Step 3: Select the two students on your plan that you want to transfer funds between.
Step 4: Lastly, type in the amount you want to transfer and indicate which student is receiving the funds.

That's it! Questions? Please contact Director of Food and Nutrition Services Omnia Nasef at [email protected] or 330-302-0312. 

Apply now to save on school fees

Even though all students now eat school breakfast and lunch for free at Cloverleaf, regardless of need, the free and reduced meal application is used to determine if families qualify for waived or reduced school fees. For that reason, we still ask parents to complete the free or reduced lunch application.

How do I know if my family is eligible?
The criteria often change from year to year, so we encourage everyone to apply to find out. It's easy and it's confidential.

My family could benefit from waived or reduced fees, but would we be taking resources away from others who may need them more?
No. Actually, the opposite is true! Cloverleaf's federal funding for many educational programs is based on the number of students who would qualify for free or reduced-price meals. By taking part, you are helping all Cloverleaf students.

Free health coverage
If your child qualifies for the school meals program, your family also may qualify for free health care coverage through the Healthy Start & Healthy Families program. Please click HERE for more.

To apply:
For application assistance, please call 1-877-393-6628 

Click one of the links below to print or download information and an application:

Contact Food and Nutrition Services Director Omnia Nasef at:

Breakfast + Lunch prices for the 2024-25 school year

Reduced Price (all grades)$0$0

Has your student lost their meal I.D. card?

Not to worry! There are a few options.Boy at salad bar

Elementary School
Students may request a new card free of charge.

Middle School and High School
Students may request a new card at a cost of $3 per card.


You may download and print an I.D. card from your PaySchools account. Just click "Digital I.D." in the menu on the right side of your PaySchools dashboard. Your student also can show the cashier a copy of their Digital I.D. card on their phone.

Reminders for parents

1. Students may purchase a la carte items in cafeterias, in the high school coffee shop, and in vending machines. Students may use cash, credit cards, debit cards, or school meal account funds to purchase extra items. However, a la carte foods cannot be charged to student accounts if there is not money in the account to pay for them.

2. Any restrictions or limits on snack purchases should be reported to Food and Nutrition Services Director Ominia Nasef at [email protected] or 330-302-0312.

3. Lactose-free milk is available upon request by parents or guardians. Please complete the form below and submit it to the food and nutrition services department.


Ms. Omnia Nasef
Director of Food and Nutrition Services


Cloverleaf Food and Nutrition Services
8525 Friendsville Road
Lodi, Ohio 44254

Career Opportunities

We are always looking for dedicated, caring people to join Cloverleaf's award-winning food service staff! Full-time, part-time and substitute positions. Perfect for retirees and parents. Please click HERE to visit the district's career opportunities page.

District Wellness Assessment Score

Notice of Nondiscrimination

Filing a Civil Rights Complaint

Notice to Beneficiaries and Prospective Beneficiaries


Parental Request for Fluid Milk Substitution

Field Trip Lunch Order Form for Teachers
View text-based website