What Therapies and Related Services Are Available at Cloverleaf?
Cloverleaf, like most local districts, makes a wide-range of related services available to eligible students in order to treat their many needs. Speech therapy, occupational therapy, physical therapy, transition-to-work consultation, behavioral management, and instruction/consultation for the visually impaired or hearing impaired may be accessed through the IEP process in the District.
How Does Cloverleaf Provide These Services?
Cloverleaf utilizes a collaborative model of service delivery that allows both District employees and contracted service providers to work together for students. Because of the larger number of students who receive speech-language support, the District has committed to employing three full time speech-language pathologists to provide both direct and consultative services to students. The remaining therapies or related services are contracted via an "as needed" basis through a variety of agencies that include private contractors as well as the Medina County Educational Service Center.
How Do I Learn More About Related Services?
The links at the right will provide you with more specific information about the primary related services the District uses on a routine basis. For other services that are infrequently utilized, feel free to contact the Special Services Department for additional assistance.