Cloverleaf Education Foundation
Grant Application
1) Give a full description of the grant request.
2) What is the purpose of the above?
3) What results do you anticipate?
4) How many students will be affected by this project?
5) Proposed timeline of this project.
6) Estimate of expenses. Please describe and list items. (Note that grant funding MAY NOT be used to cover transportation costs.)
7) Will this propsal be continued in subsequent years?
8) How will you determine whether your objectives have been achieved and whether your project is successful?
9) Do you plan to apply for these funds or additional funds through another grant?
10) Before submitting, all grant requests must be discussed with an administrator in your building. Please indicate below with whom you have spoken so that we can contact him or her with questions.
Cloverleaf Education Foundation requires all items purchased through a grant to remain as property of the Cloverleaf Local School District. Also, we may distribute a summary of your grant in order to obtain funding. By selecting "yes" you agree to these terms.
Cloverleaf Education Foundation requests grant recipients utilize classroom newsletters and other communications tools to share news and, if possible, photos of students benefiting from grant-funded activities. Please be sure to list Cloverleaf Education Foundation as the grant provider and copy the foundation on these communications. We ask this to help raise awareness of the foundation’s mission to assist Cloverleaf students. By selecting “yes,” you agree to make this effort using whatever appropriate classroom communication opportunities may be available to you. Thank you.
Please include any supporting documents that will help us evaluate your grant application. Supporting documents may include: samples of brochures, articles, sketches, scripts, or
other materials that you feel will complement the application.